Monday, February 23, 2009


You're of no escape from her childish enticing smile. She's loud and talks everything, from clean to dirty. hahaha

This cousin of mine, Ms.Kannex Donaire Bongolo is a graduate of BS International Relation just last October 2008 with a considered flying colors of grades.

Now, at the age of 21, she's teaching the course (BS IR) at the NORMICIST. I can't imagine how she looks and sounds in front of her students. Her thin, sharp and quirky voice; her mannerism of twisting her body with her arms at the back in a so kid way- it's like, ahhh so neophyte.

I remember her looking so doomed before her graduation. Questions and doubts seemed to snoozed her mind that day over and over. She was scared of how's her story and challenges gonna roll in the next chapter of her life. The issue of underemployment due to global recession primarily worried her. She was thinking of so many things, including the studies of her siblings and the financial sustainability of her family. Hmmm, eldest child syndrome hehehe.

In her fragile feature and meek expressions in her face, you wouldn't thought she's as strong as a stone wall. A young woman of deep insides and a doctor in any aspect to her self,is one of the intelligence I admired her the most. Being independent, confident but humble, that's my ate kannex is. She's may often sick but always on the track. An ordinary but extraordinary in her own way. Always in a happy mode despite of the pressures and shock our time caters.


  1. I look forward to more of your insights...a very interesting person...needs more pictures!
